Wednesday 16 December 2015

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. Today's topic is about Innovation And Challenges In Malaysian Agriculture. There are 2 institute that involve in Malaysian agriculture research. First is government sector which including MARDI, MPOB, MCB, and MRB. Next is private sector which including Sime Darby, IOI, United Plantation Bhd, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd, Boustead Plantation Bhd, FELDA and FELCRA.
In Malaysia, there are several types of plants and animal that are been focus for a research such as:
Types of crops
Oil palm
-golden crop in Malaysia
-Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn. Bhd. (KL Kepong Group) has developed:
                a) the Dumpy.Yamgambi.AVROS semi-dwarf oil palm hybrid varieties which facilitate harvesting with improved high yield potential and extends the economic life of the crop
                b) potential high yield clones from tissue culture
-MRB  has developed high yield and disease resistant clones producing >3500 kilo rubber ha-1 yr-1
-MRB introduced new technologies :
1) Puncture tapping: bark is quickly pierced with sharp needles, enables the same worker to tap more trees per day.
Hormonal stimulation (etheral)

2) New latex-timber clones (LTC) of the RRIM200 series
Trunk harvested for timber industry

3) Vitamin E has also been extracted from the latex.
-production of cocoa was declined, so MCB had establish  1)Agrobiotechnology to improve productivity and  production        efficiency,
2)Biotechnology enhanced- quality  of  cocoa   products  with  respect  to  safety  and  health,  and
3)Industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology to obtain new products such as useful bioactive compounds from the cocoa tree, associated microbes in the cocoa environment and cocoa waste.
-aims to raise the yield to 10 tons ha-1  with the use of new technology.
-Popular varieties: MR220, MR219, MR211, MR81
-Vita-grow:doubling paddy yield
-Zappa: enhance rapid germination

The future challenges in agriculture are the labour, price : price of fertilizers, seeds, tools and equipments ,crop choice : oil palm and rubber,resouces.
Agricultural technology :
a)Plant cell and tissue culture techniques & genetic engineering to complement conventional plant breeding
b)the use of plant cell cultures to enhance the development of new and innovative products including metabolites such as pharmaceuticals, nutriceuticals and food additives,
c)Embryo manipulation technology and the use of genetically engineered vaccines
d)Incorporation of robotics and artificial intelligence as well as computer modeling, to reduce labour

e)Advance processing and packaging systems

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Agricultre and Man.

               Assalamualaikum everyone. How are you? By the way, today we will talk about agriculture and man. Do you know anything about this topic? Yes. This topic is about how man and agriculture going together since hundred years ago.
              For your information, in 1965, mostly people doing agriculture rather than industries and services. We know that people from the past really depending on the agriculture as they have lack of information and technology before. When compared to year 2010, mostly people conquered services sector followed by industries and then agriculture. Now, we are trying to improved our agriculture which consists of two sectors which are plantation sectors and small holder sectors. Plantation sector is a sector that have been high commercialized by the government because of their high yield products, large sector areas and many more. Smallholder is a small sector agriculture as people are doing agriculture to give food to their owns only but not being commercialized at all. yet, they have low yield of product in the industries. So, there are some agencies that oversees the smallholders farm into highly production industries nowadays, for example the plantation sector which is the most larger industries in our country.
              In order for us to increased the crop diversification, we need to face some challenges which are smallholders need to be commercialized more to get more products. Then, more innovative and efficient agriculture practices need to be applied more in the future. These efforts need to be stressed on to ensure our industrial kept maintained their positions.

Monday 7 December 2015

Benefits from The Agricultural Waste

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyonee :)
So, this is our group's presentation about the benefits from agricultural waste. I would like to invite all of you to watch the video. I hope that through this video, you can gain some knowledge or some new information.  So, leave your comment pleaseeeeeeee :)
Have a nice day and adiossss!

Monday 2 November 2015


Assalamualaikum and good evening everyonee! So, we're here again.. Don't you excited? because actually this is my second posttt. So, i decided to select some topic which maybe can help in improving your knowledge in agriculture. Sooo, the topic that was selected is strategies in ecosystem dynamics. humpppp... don't you curious what is ecosystem dynamic?? what are those strategies means?? okayy. Let me tell you in detail what is the meaning of ecosystem dynamics and the strategies. Basically, effective ecosystem dynamics is high diversity of plants and animals both above and below ground. There are seven strategies which includes :

INTERCROPPING: cultivate more than one crop at a time.
The benefits of intercropping actually can reduce the ability of the pest insects to recognise their host plants. Quite nice, right?

maize intercropped with sweetpotatoes 
CROP ROTATION: growing of different crops on land. You can try it at home because through this strategy, you can break weeds and pest life cycles.

sample of crop rotation plan. Try it at homeee.

COVER CROPS: a crop planted primarily to manage soil erosion, soil fertility, soil quality, water, weeds, pests, diseases, biodiversity and wildlife in an agroecosystem. humppp.. I would like to try it at home. Maybe between carrot and rye crops..

Radishes and Cereal Rye
Radishes are taking off.

COMPOST AND FERTILIZERS: decomposition of diverse mixture of organic matter that used in gardening and agriculture as a soil amendment and erosion control.

compost contains thousand of microorganisms and
nutrients that are organic and sustainable

TILLAGE:  agricultural preparation of soil by mechanical agitation of various types, such as digging, stirring, and overturning. Through this tillage process, it can exposing the soil to erosion. Other than that, it can impairing the water and mineral cycles.

 latest in technology and toughness with its unique
angled gang and blade configuration.

ZERO BURNING: In Malaysia, we use this strategy and currently,it is implement in oil palm and rubber plantations.Through zero burning, we can prevent the air pollution. As you know, farmers and corporations in Indonesia use the slash-and-burn method to clear vegetation for palm oil, pulp and paper plantations. The result of slash-and-burn method,people are choking under a thick haze of smog caused by the annual burning of land.
oil palm and rubber trunks were sliced thin and
left to decompose.
PEST MANAGEMENT: pest actually is any organism judged as a threat to human beings or to their interests. So, due to this threat, prevention of pest problems is a fundamental component of management. There are chemical pesticides and eco-friendly pesticides that can be found in market.
example on how to use pesticides

Soooo, that's all from me :) I hope that through some of this information that i have told can give new knowledge to youu. Ohhh. Before I forget, actually these strategies are include in environmental conservation and environmental conservation in one of the main goals to achieve sustainable agricultureee. I hope that this explaination can help you if you have some problem to understand these topic.. bye guysssss. have a nice day :) Teheeeeeeeee!


Friday 30 October 2015

Industrial crops of agriculture in Malaysia (RICE)

Hey everyone !
Okay this week is my turn to update this blog. Hmmm actually what do you think guys about what the topic that interesting could be share here ? I think i want to share with all of you about the industrial crops in our country , Malaysia . So as we notice that our country have many type of crops under agriculture sector for an example oil palm , rubber , coconut , cocoa , rice , coffee , sugarcane and so on. Hence, all this things were contribute to our economic growth as we know our Malaysian agriculture's characteristics are highly commercialized and efficiently managed. Furthermore, Malaysia has a suitable land,climate and also have a good weather for a lot of crops to growth. So now I want to story with all of you about the paddy or rice . As we know there are many cultivation of paddy or rice in Kuala Muda , Kedah or known as " Negeri Jelapang Padi " ( so unique what ! hehe ) ,  Seberang Perai , Penang and also Kerian/Sg Manik Seberang Perak  . 

So look at both of this picture , paddy field at Kuala Muda , Kedah ! padi nyaaa gemuk dan cun melecun macam Mak Cunnnnnnn !

So, now I want to start about how processing the rice. Yeah of course the processing rice shall be harvested paddy rice to get a good quality of rice to feed the Malaysian people. There have four process here in order to separate the hampas and jerami . So firstly is reap process. Do you know reap ? Reap in malay is "menuai" . In this reap process , there are two ways to practice the work of harvesting. First use the full labor such as cutting the stubble of paddy and second way is dissolve all in the special bins. Before the harvest time is coming, the paddy fields will be dried by passing water to the canal. This is done to facilitate the harvesting process

Haaaa this one is the machine that will be used during reap time !

The second process is slash . In malay we called it as "membanting". Slash is the traditional way . If nowadays we have a technology machine that can separate automatically the rice harvest from its stalk . So easily ! right ? Technologies make people easy to do everything in the world ! HAHA . Okay okay back on our related topic hehe. 

MEMBANTING or we can called that MEMUKUL PADI :)

Okay try to guess what is the next process ? Jengg jengggg ! The third process is blow process . " Proses mengangin " . This process is do to separate the grain from padi hampa. Then after that , the paddy was dried under the sun. 

Haa ni lah caranya untuk mengangin padi in order to separate the grain from padi hampa .

At last ! Manufacture process. The purpose of manufacture is to get rice from paddy. Among the methods used to separate the rice and paddy is the separation restrictions. Paring the production of rice depends on several factors. Among these factors is the water content in the rice and the rice is coated with the restrictions put in a separator. Rice will be graded according to certain criteria and placed in sacks or plastic for sale. So at the end we got a beras then boleh melantak secukup cukupnyaaaa hehehehehehe. I hope you all enjoy with this entry untuk minggu ni and hopefully this post can help to get more understanding about the actual process of this paddy to get a rice yang kita makan everyday tuuuuu . 

haa ni dia beras ! Beras unggul ke jati ke jasmin ke ! all of that comes through a lot of good process from paddy until we got rice !



Okay that's all from me ! Bye uollsssss . Thank you sudi baca and jangan tidur tau ! muah ciked :*) 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Seed Bank

Hi, everyone! today I will tell you about seed bank. I too interested to this topic because it a new info to me! Bank have many meanings. One of the meaning is a supply or stock held in reserve for future use. One example for this topic is The Svalbard Global Seed VaultWhat they do is preserve the seeds of world’s plant life. Means that they duplicate samples, or spare copies of seeds held in gene banks worldwide. The seed vault is an attempt to insure against the loss of seeds in other gene banks during large-scale regional or global rises. The seed vault is managed under terms spelled out in a tripartite agreement between the Norwegian government, the Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) and the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen).

The seeds are stored in four-ply sealed envelopes, then placed into plastic tote containers on metal shelving racks. The storage rooms are kept at −18 °C (−0.4 °F). The low temperature and limited access to oxygen will ensure low metabolic activity and delay seed aging. The permafrost surrounding the facility will help maintain the low temperature of the seeds should the electricity supply fail. Here I put a picture so you get what I mean. ^_^. And another picture is entrance to the Vault. 

okay, I think that's all I want to story about this. I hope we'll see to next entrance. TQ! ><

Sunday 4 October 2015

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all fellas. As we know that people in the world might be in a serious danger because of the climate change nowadays. It became from bad to worse.
         So first of all, what is actually climate change? Did we actually feel it in our daily life?
The answer is YES!!!! Let me give a few examples about these climate change. A car which is parked under a hot sun have a 80 Fahrenheit and after 60 minutes the temperature rose to 123 Fahrenheit. The temperature became extremely hot inside of the car because the greenhouse gases has been trapped inside the car. Same goes with the picture below.

This is the analogy of global warming. As the heat can enter the car and cannot out from the car and the car became extremely hot in 60 minutes. These are the greenhouse effect in a world nowadays. Same goes with the earth. The heat from the sun can enter into the surface. Heat goes in but heat unable to come out because of the greenhouse gases.
                 The greenhouse gases consist of CO2(carbon dioxide), CH4(methane), including of H20(water). N2 and O3(Ozone) which contains only 2 atoms are not the greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gas(CO2 and O3) are actually essential to life in Earth.
-They help keep the Earth warm for life.
-Without it, Earth mean temperature would be -35 from 28 degree celcius.
These are the examples of the impact of climate change. So? What are waiting for? Lets save the Earth!!!!

Hi everyone! okay today i will be posting an article about agricultural biotechnology.

 What is agricultural biotechnology?

 Agricultural biotechnology is a collection of scientific techniques used to improve plants, animals and microorganisms. Based on an understanding of DNA, scientists have developed solutions to increase agricultural productivity. Starting from the ability to identify genes that may confer advantages on certain crops, and the ability to work with such characteristics very precisely, biotechnology enhances breeders’ ability to make improvements in crops and livestock. Biotechnology enables improvements that are not possible with traditional crossing of related species alone.
How is agricultural biotechnology used?

Genetic engineering: Scientists have learned how to move genes from one organism to another. This has been called genetic modification (GM), genetic engineering (GE) or genetic improvement (GI). Regardless of the name, the process allows the transfer of useful characteristics (such as resistance to a disease) into a plant, animal or microorganism by inserting genes (DNA) from another organism. Virtually all crops improved with transferred DNA (often called GM crops or GMOs) to date have been developed to aid farmers to increase productivity by reducing crop damage from weeds, diseases or insects.
 Molecular markers: Traditional breeding involves selection of individual plants or animals based on visible or measurable traits. By examining the DNA of an organism, scientists can use molecular markers to select plants or animals that possess a desirable gene, even in the absence of a visible trait. Thus, breeding is more precise and efficient. For example, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture has used molecular markers to obtain cowpea resistant to bruchid (a beetle), disease-resistant white yam and cassava resistant to Cassava Mosaic Disease, among others. Another use of molecular markers is to identify undesirable genes that can be eliminated in future generations. Molecular diagnostics: Molecular diagnostics are methods to detect genes or gene products that are very precise and specific. Molecular diagnostics are used in agriculture to more accurately diagnose crop/livestock diseases.
 Vaccines: Biotechnology-derived vaccines are used in livestock and humans. They may be cheaper, better and/or safer than traditional vaccines. They are also stable at room temperature, and do not need refrigerated storage; this is an important advantage for smallholders in tropical countries. Some are new vaccines, which offer protection for the first time against some infectious illnesses. For example, in the Philippines, biotechnology has been used to develop an improved vaccine to protect cattle and water buffalo against hemorrhagic septicemia, a leading cause of death for both species.
Tissue culture: Tissue culture is the regeneration of plants in the laboratory from disease-free plant parts. This technique allows for the reproduction of disease-free planting material for crops. Examples of crops produced using tissue culture include citrus, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, bananas, coffee and papaya.

hope you guys like this. Happy reading and enjoy yourself!

Tuesday 15 September 2015



Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone:)
So, this is our first post about agriculture. Actually, we don't expect to do this blog because some of us does not expose to this blogging world. Sooooo, we decided to choose a topic about aquaponics.

Have you ever seen this picture before ? What is all about ? What is the functions? Is it benefiicial to human and our needy ? Do you have the answers for those questions ? If not, nevermind i'll jot down everythings here to share  :) 
Nahhh! Here i want to share with you all some information about this modern agriculture technique.
Actually, from what I had been read from the website, I found that aquaponics is a combination of growing fish and plant production using aquaculture and hydroponics system. Aquaponics is moving from the real experimental to commercial.

Alright , basically, from the picture itself is showing an aquarium or tank contains solution. Inside the tank there is a living thing that is fish. huhu put your flowerhorn also can :) And at the above tank it will be a growing vegetative plants.

Okay my loyal reader, generally,  the above diagram shows us on how aquaponics works in agriculture field. With knowing of the each of the organism function in each aquaponics system, then only you can understand more on it. And believe it will works. So now how ? do you wanna try this at your home ? Definitely yes right :D
Before we end our story, lets see some pictures that can give you an idea to generate an aquaponics system as simple as you can do ittttttt !


 *please don't sleep please :P