Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. Today's topic is about Innovation And Challenges In Malaysian Agriculture. There are 2 institute that involve in Malaysian agriculture research. First is government sector which including MARDI, MPOB, MCB, and MRB. Next is private sector which including Sime Darby, IOI, United Plantation Bhd, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd, Boustead Plantation Bhd, FELDA and FELCRA.
In Malaysia, there are several types of plants and animal that are been focus for a research such as:
Types of crops
Oil palm
-golden crop in Malaysia
-Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn. Bhd. (KL Kepong Group) has developed:
                a) the Dumpy.Yamgambi.AVROS semi-dwarf oil palm hybrid varieties which facilitate harvesting with improved high yield potential and extends the economic life of the crop
                b) potential high yield clones from tissue culture
-MRB  has developed high yield and disease resistant clones producing >3500 kilo rubber ha-1 yr-1
-MRB introduced new technologies :
1) Puncture tapping: bark is quickly pierced with sharp needles, enables the same worker to tap more trees per day.
Hormonal stimulation (etheral)

2) New latex-timber clones (LTC) of the RRIM200 series
Trunk harvested for timber industry

3) Vitamin E has also been extracted from the latex.
-production of cocoa was declined, so MCB had establish  1)Agrobiotechnology to improve productivity and  production        efficiency,
2)Biotechnology enhanced- quality  of  cocoa   products  with  respect  to  safety  and  health,  and
3)Industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology to obtain new products such as useful bioactive compounds from the cocoa tree, associated microbes in the cocoa environment and cocoa waste.
-aims to raise the yield to 10 tons ha-1  with the use of new technology.
-Popular varieties: MR220, MR219, MR211, MR81
-Vita-grow:doubling paddy yield
-Zappa: enhance rapid germination

The future challenges in agriculture are the labour, price : price of fertilizers, seeds, tools and equipments ,crop choice : oil palm and rubber,resouces.
Agricultural technology :
a)Plant cell and tissue culture techniques & genetic engineering to complement conventional plant breeding
b)the use of plant cell cultures to enhance the development of new and innovative products including metabolites such as pharmaceuticals, nutriceuticals and food additives,
c)Embryo manipulation technology and the use of genetically engineered vaccines
d)Incorporation of robotics and artificial intelligence as well as computer modeling, to reduce labour

e)Advance processing and packaging systems

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Agricultre and Man.

               Assalamualaikum everyone. How are you? By the way, today we will talk about agriculture and man. Do you know anything about this topic? Yes. This topic is about how man and agriculture going together since hundred years ago.
              For your information, in 1965, mostly people doing agriculture rather than industries and services. We know that people from the past really depending on the agriculture as they have lack of information and technology before. When compared to year 2010, mostly people conquered services sector followed by industries and then agriculture. Now, we are trying to improved our agriculture which consists of two sectors which are plantation sectors and small holder sectors. Plantation sector is a sector that have been high commercialized by the government because of their high yield products, large sector areas and many more. Smallholder is a small sector agriculture as people are doing agriculture to give food to their owns only but not being commercialized at all. yet, they have low yield of product in the industries. So, there are some agencies that oversees the smallholders farm into highly production industries nowadays, for example the plantation sector which is the most larger industries in our country.
              In order for us to increased the crop diversification, we need to face some challenges which are smallholders need to be commercialized more to get more products. Then, more innovative and efficient agriculture practices need to be applied more in the future. These efforts need to be stressed on to ensure our industrial kept maintained their positions.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Benefits from The Agricultural Waste

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyonee :)
So, this is our group's presentation about the benefits from agricultural waste. I would like to invite all of you to watch the video. I hope that through this video, you can gain some knowledge or some new information.  So, leave your comment pleaseeeeeeee :)
Have a nice day and adiossss!